Tennis Sponsorships Men (Singles)

Last major update: August 2024

Below an overview of sponsorships in men’s tennis (singles), including what clothing and shoes the players wear and the rackets they play with.

If you want us to add a player or know that a player has switched brands – please let us know.

You can also take a look at other tennis sponsorships.

Note: * player wears or plays with this brand, but is likely not officially sponsored.

Sponsorships Men Singles

First NameLast NameCountryClothingShoesRacketSleeve/Shirt/Cap
RaduAlbotMDAYonexYonexYonexDuracell | Mimi
DanielAltmaierGERYonexYonexYonexVitamin Well
MatteoArnaldiITALe Coq SportifAsicsHeadFCMA Group | Polase
SebastianBaezARGLe Coq SportifAsicsYonex Alamos
RobertoBautista AgutESPMizunoMizunoWilsonVillarreal | Lexus
MatteoBerrettiniITAHugo BossAsicsHeadRed Bull | Illumia
BenjaminBonziFRALottoLottoWilson Bastide Medical
JensonBrooksbyUSAUomo SportWilson*DunlopRBC
AlexanderBublikKAZYoxoi → EA7Yonex → NikeYonex → TecnifibreCodos
RobertoCarballes BaenaESPLottoLottoWilsonRefix
PabloCarreno BustaESPJomaJomaWilsonIsdin
ArthurCazauxFRALacosteLacoste → AsicsBabolat
FranciscoCerundoloARGJoma → AdidasJoma → AdidasHeadRadio Disney
Juan ManuelCerundoloARGFilaFilaHead
MarinCilicCROHeadHeadHead IronMaxx
FlavioCobolliITALotto → OnLotto → OnHeadVolvo | Rexona
FedericoCoriaARG About SportsAdidas*HeadDisney+
MaximeCressyUSANew BalanceNew BalanceBabolat
AlejandroDavidovich FokinaESPDiadora → AdidasDiadora → AdidasHead
AlexDe MinaurAUSAsicsAsicsWilsonPepperstone | La Roche Posay
HugoDellienBOLJoma → LottoJoma → LottoBabolat
FacundoDiaz AcostaARGJomaJomaWilsonBAIC
GrigorDimitrovBULLacosteNikeWilsonBianchet | Payhawk
NovakDjokovicSRBLacosteAsicsHeadOwn logo | Waterdrop
Tomas MartinEtcheverryARGK-SwissK-SwissHead → Yonex
ChristopherEubanksUSAAsics → J. LindebergAsicsTecnifibreVita Coco | FICO
DanielEvansGBRLUKEAsics* | Novellus
ArthurFilsFRAAsics → LacosteAsicsBabolat
Evian | CORUM L’Épargne
FabioFogniniITAEA7K-SwissBabolatOwn logo | Dierre | United Therapeutics
TaylorFritzUSANike → Hugo BossNike → AsicsHeadMotorola | Chipotle
MartonFucsovicsHUNAbout SportsNikeYonex
Mol |
Daniel ElahiGalánCOLJomaJomaWilsonColsanitas
CristianGarinCHINike* → About SportsNikeHead → Wilson
RichardGasquetFRALe Coq SportifLe Coq SportifHead
DavidGoffinBELAsicsAsicsWilsonGuardian | Ecobee
TallonGriekspoorNEDIndian | | Gilion
YannickHanfmannGERLe Coq SportifAsicsHead Fläsh
Pierre-HuguesHerbertFRALacosteNike → LacosteYonexWeleda | Brainvest
UgoHumbertFRALacosteLacosteWilsonBastide Medical | DLSI
HubertHurkaczPOLYonexYonexYonexEasypost | Waterdrop
NicolasJarryCHINico (Own logo) → WilsonNike → WilsonWilson
AslanKaratsevRUSBonifique → FourteenAsics* → K-SwissHead
DominikKoepferGERBidi BaduAsicsHead Newkee
ThanasiKokkinakisAUSCotton OnAdidas*Yonex → Babolat*ATL | HubSpot
DenisKudlaUSALacosteMizuno → LacosteYonex
MikhailKukushkinKAZHeadHead → AsicsHead
DusanLajovicSRBFila → AustralianAsicsWilson
JiriLeheckaCZELe Coq SportifWilsonWilsonSmartwings
ConstantLestienneFRALe Coq SportifLe Coq Sportif → AsicsTecnifibreExtia
TomasMachacCZENike → JomaNike → JomaYonexTesla
FabianMarozsanHUNDRK → JomaLotto* → JomaBabolat
MaximilianMartererGERAdidasAdidasBabolatDr. Heilbronner
PedroMartinezESPJomaJomaWilsonHotelPlanner | TEC
MackenzieMcDonaldUSAOriginal PenguinK-SwissWilsonInsperity | RBC
DaniilMedvedevRUSLacosteLacosteTecnifibreBovet 1822
JakubMensikCZEAdidasAdidasWilsonProstejov | OKsystem
MichaelMmohUSAAdidasAdidasYonex → Dunlop
AlexMolcanSVKBidi Badu → AsicsWilson → AsicsWilson
ThiagoMonteiroBRAJomaJomaWilsonAngá | EQI
CorentinMoutetFRAAsicsAsicsWilson → TecnifibreRoyaltiz | Echelon
GiovanniMpetshi PerricardFRANikeNikeBabolat
AlexandreMullerFRAAdidas → JomaAdidas → JomaBabolat
RafaelNadalESPNikeNikeBabolatOwn logo
BrandonNakashimaUSAFilaFilaBabolat → YonexMotorola | Factor
LucaNardiITAYonex → AdidasAsics → AdidasYonex
KeiNishikoriJPNUniqloNikeWilsonJapan Airlines
YoshihitoNishiokaJPNYonexYonexYonexMiki House
CameronNorrieGBRK-SwissK-SwissBabolatRado | PGIM
ChristopherO’ConnellAUSLe Coq SportifWilsonWilson
SebastianOfnerAUTLottoLottoBabolatOmni Biotic | KNV
ReillyOpelkaUSAFilaFilaWilsonZipRecruiter | Tim van Laere Gallery | Red Bull
OscarOtteGERGrubenhelden → Quiet PleaseBabolatBabolatIFM
BenoitPaireFRALacoste → CelioBabolatBabolat
TommyPaulUSANew BalanceNew BalanceYonexMotorola | Arkham
AlexeiPopyrinAUSFilaFila → Adidas*Head → DunlopVestwell | The Economist
VasekPospisilCANOriginal Penguin → Own brandAsicsWilsonKits | Soroc | DieWithZero
LucasPouilleFRALe Coq SportifAsicsPrince*
MaxPurcellAUSLSKDK-Swiss → AsicsDunlop
MilosRaonicCANLululemon*New BalanceWilson
ArthurRinderknechFRALacosteAsicsTecnifibre Extia | Vitamin Well
AndreyRublevRUSK-Swiss x Rublo (own brand)Nike → K-SwissHead Waterdrop
CasperRuudNORYonexYonexYonexSalMar | Renault
EmilRuusuvuoriFINAsics → HeadAsicsHeadPorsche | Silja Line
TennysSandgrenUSAYoxoi → –AsicsDunlop Srixon
DiegoSchwartzmanARGFilaFilaHeadDisney+ | Midea
ThiagoSeyboth WildBRAJoma → J. LindebergJoma → Nike*WilsonMGT | Haydan-Woodward
AbdullahShelbayhJORAdidasAdidasHead → Yonex
BenSheltonUSANew Balance → OnNew Balance → OnYonex
AlexanderShevchenkoKAZAdidas → MizunoAdidas → MizunoBabolat
LorenzoSonegoITAEA7MizunoWilsonLynx Group | G. Engineering | Reale Mutua
DominicStrickerSUIAsicsAsicsHeadCornèrcard | CTA | Voudoise
Jan-LennardStruffGERDiadoraDiadoraHeadOBO | IFM electronic
DominicThiemAUTAdidasAdidasBabolatRed Bull | Bolah
JordanThompsonAUSNew BalanceNew BalanceBabolatThe Economist
StefanosTsitsipasGREAdidasAdidasWilsonRed Bull | Comlux
YasutakaUchiyamaJPNAdidasAdidasWilson → Head
CamiloUgo CarabelliARGJomaJomaHeadBlue Owl | Midea
LucaVan AsscheFRALe Coq SportifAsicsWilsonRenault
Boticvan de ZandschulpNEDIndian MaharadjaAsicsBabolatZiggo Sport | Electrolit
Timvan RijthovenNEDIndian MaharadjaAsicsYonex → DunlopBorek | Audi
Juan PabloVarillasPERLottoLottoWilsonDiners Club International | DIRECTV
YosukeWatanukiJPNAsicsAsicsBabolat → Blacket outSBC
StanislasWawrinkaSUIYonexYonexYonexJetcraft | Bitpanda
J.J.WolfUSAGraysonNew Balance*HeadRE Partners | Rado
MikaelYmerSWEAdidasAdidasBabolat → Wilson*
BernabeZapata MirallesESPLottoLottoHead

295 Responses

  1. deco says:

    wild now Lindeberg

  2. Lee A Wright says:

    Elias Ymer is missing from your list. He wears Under Armour w/ Nike shoes at Wimbledon.

  3. Lorenzo Vignolo says:

    Cobolli now is wearing On

  4. Tim says:

    Hi rublev is now playing in K Swiss shoes

  5. Georgi Georgiev says:

    Dimitrov has “PayHawk” sponsorship on his sleeve

  6. Natalia says:

    Karatsev is with Fourteen for clothing- posted about it on his Instagram

  7. Giuseppe says:

    Mannarino just signed with Celio for clothing

  8. Timo says:

    Might want to add Jakub Menšík? He’s with Adidas from head to toe plus a Wilson racket

  9. Mila says:

    Dimitrov has Bianchet (watches) sponsorship on his sleeve

  10. HS says:

    Rodionov(AUT) ‘s sponsors are all YONEX;Clothing,racket,shoes

  11. Pedro P says:

    F. Coria wearing About Apparel

  12. Lordi says:

    Karatsev posted photo in Fourteen clothes

  13. Tim says:

    Bublik never played Head, he switched from Yonex. Great site!

  14. Erica W says:

    Fritz is wearing Asics shoes in Miami

  15. Denise says:

    Fritz was spotted with BOSS clothing in IW

  16. deco says:

    Safiullin is with Le Coq Sportif now.

  17. PCMTennis says:

    Eubanks has switched to J. Lindeberg clothes and Etcheverry is using a Yonex racquet

  18. PCMTennis says:

    Garin is back to playing with a wilson racquet and appears to have picked up a sponsorship with hydrogen clothes. Still wearing Nike shoes.

  19. PCMTennis says:

    Shelbayh appears to be playing with a Yonex racquet now

  20. Andy P says:

    Liam Broady to Joma

  21. Andy P says:

    Bautista Agut to Mizuno

  22. PCMTennis says:

    Fils now wearing Lacoste clothes and ASICS shoes I believe

  23. Consta says:

    Machac has Tesla on the shirt sleeve at Brisbane 2024

  24. Pedro P says:

    Fils wearing Lacoste, Full Apparel.

  25. PCMTennis says:

    Popyrin wearing adidas shoes

  26. PCMTennis says:

    Jarry playing with Wilson gear at the United Cup

  27. Lordi says:

    Davidovich moved to Adidas

  28. PCMTennis says:

    Michelsen playing with Adidas in the Next Gen finals

  29. Matthew says:

    Just wondering if you could potentially include Juncheng Shang. Shang is officially sponsored by Nike through a complete head to toe deal. Additionally, Babolot provides his rackets for competition and training.

  30. far says:

    Thank you for compiling this, it’s really helpful.

  31. Denise says:

    Raonic isn‘t with NB anymore.

  32. Levin Lee says:

    Should add Kei Nishikori, wears Uniqle pants and shirt shoes are nike

  33. PCMTennis says:

    Fucsovics is now wearing shoes from Yonex

  34. Vera says:

    Does anyone know why Wawrinka is not wearing a new kit from Yonex at RG

  35. Lordi says:

    Dimitrov moved to Lacoste for clothing

  36. PCMTennis says:

    Moutet has also switched from Wilson to Tecnifibre racquets.

  37. PCMTennis says:

    Pouille has switched back to a Prince racquet, though he is not sponsored by them.

  38. Carl says:

    Probably time to add Arthur Fils (Asics/Babolat).

  39. Natalia says:

    Is Karatsev sponsored by Head now? He’s in it head to toe

  40. Denise says:

    Dominik Köpfer is no longer with Lotto. He is now with Bidi Badu ( marked Thema on his instagram).

  41. C.T. says:

    . Chardy now wears the Mouratoglou Academy clothing line, his Lacoste contract has ended.
    . Bublik seems to be playing with a Tecnifibre racquet, bye bye Yonex…

  42. C.T. says:

    . Chardy now wears the Mouratoglou Academy clothing line, his Lacoste contract has ended.
    . Bublik seems to be playing with a Tecnifibre racquet, bye bye Yonex…

  43. PCMTennis says:

    Murray back to wearing Under Armor shoes, Auger-Aliassime now has Renault on his sleeve instead of A3S I believe, though i’m not 100% if A3S have stopped sponsoring him.

  44. Denise Wanke says:

    Marcos Giron seems to be with vuori/vuoriclothing and k-swiss shoes.

  45. PCMTennis says:

    Shelton is now being sponsored by On for his clothes and shoes I believe

  46. PCMTennis says:

    I think Garin is now unsponsored, since he is wearing old Nike clothing and has switched back to Nike shoes

  47. Carrie says:

    Hi I have been watching Indian Wells, Jack Sock has switched to wearing K-swiss shoes

  48. Dixie Normus says:

    B Nakashima switched to yonex

  49. PCMTennis says:

    Steve Johnson is now unsponsored and using a babolat racquet

  50. PCMTennis says:

    Maybe now that he’s in the final in Dallas, you could add Wu Yibing (Yibing Wu in western conventions)
    Adidas clothing and shoes, plays with a head racquet

  51. AllenEagles says:

    As of dallas open Sock uses Yonex apparel and racquet and Johnson uses babolat racquet and shoes (no idea what shirt he wears)

  52. Mike Ahk says:

    Steve Johnson Using Babolat Aero as of Dallas Open

  53. Charlie says:

    Jack Sock using Yonex racquet now

  54. Patrik says:

    please add Tomas Machac wears nike

  55. PCMTennis says:

    I think it would be good to also add Jason Kubler, who now I believe has an Asics apparel deal and plays with a Babolat racquet

  56. Carl says:

    Tommy Paul playing with a Yonex

  57. PCMTennis says:

    McDonald is wearing Original Penguin now

  58. Mordecai says:

    Alex Molcan potentially has a new deal with Asics heading into 2023:

  59. Diego says:

    Halys is now with Fila

  60. PCMTennis says:

    van Rijthoven is now using a Dunlop racquet

  61. Diego says:

    Jarry never cut contract with Asics but now returned to use official Asics clothes

  62. Diego says:

    Also Rublev now uses own brand called Rublo

  63. Diego says:

    Cachin now uses K Swiss, and Cerundolo apparently now is with Adidas

  64. Lucy says:

    Rublev in Rublo sportsweak?

  65. Carl says:

    Looks like Sonego is wearing EA7.

  66. Lordi says:

    Andrey Rublev now wearing his own brand “Rublo”
    idk about shoes, but we should keep eye on it

  67. PCMTennis says:

    Bublik is with EA7 and Otte has switched to Quiet, Please!.

    Some other players that could be added:
    – Marc-Andrea Husler (SUI) – wore Quiet, Please! clothing until the start of 2023, when he switched to Fourteen, wears Asics shoes and uses a Wilson racquet
    – Ben Shelton (USA) – wears On clothing and shoes, uses a Yonex racquet but isn’t sponsored
    – JJ Wolf (USA) – wears Grayson clothing, Nike shoes and uses a Head racquet
    – Wu Yibing (or Yibing Wu, in western naming conventions) (CHN) – wears Adidas clothing and shoes, uses a Head racquet

  68. JJ says:

    Bublik wearing EA7.

  69. JJ says:

    Herbert is now wearing Yonex shoes and Hurkacz is no longer sleeve sponsored by Lotos.

  70. JJ says:

    Bublik with unsponsored gear in Metz… Maybe Yoxoi folded?

    • Score and Change says:

      He was still wearing it during the Davis Cup. So, not sure if that is the case, but you could be right. We keep an eye on it. Thank you.

  71. PCMTennis says:

    Kokkinakis wearing adidas shoes now


    Mannarino with Nike shoes, but i don´t think is an oficial sponsorship

  73. YB says:

    Opelka seems to wear Fila shoes instead of NB.

  74. Betty says:

    Does Kyrgios still have a Nike contract? He’s wearing old/mismatched apparel.

  75. JJ says:

    Sock wearing ON shoes in DC.

  76. JJ says:

    Delbonis seems to be unsponsored now, Asics shoes and no brand on his clothes.

  77. Heywood says:

    Pospisil is wearing penguin now. It says on his Instagram.

  78. Lordi says:

    Seems like Facu Bagnis playing in Joma now

  79. PCMTennis says:

    Cressy appears to now also be sponsored by New Balance.

  80. PCMTennis says:

    Kokkinakis with a Cotton On apparel sponsorship, Murray wearing Adidas shoes, Kecmanovic wearing Dunlop, and you might want to add Tim van Rijthoven to the sponsor list, he wears Indian Maharadja like his compatriots, uses Yonex racquets and wears Asics shoes.

  81. Tara says:

    Kokkinakis is wearing cotton on clothing, I think the Lululemon was a one off during Davis Cup

  82. Diego says:

    I’m seeing Wimbledon and Kecmanovic is with Dunlop now

  83. PCMTennis says:

    Murray wearing Adidas shoes in Surbiton. Maybe he’s changed his shoe sponsor

  84. JJ says:

    Opelka wearing NB shoes in Geneva… Maybe made the switch back to NB for the French?

  85. Tara says:

    Dušan Lajovic is now sponsored by the Australian brand and Molčan is now with Bidi Badu

  86. flajsch says:

    Hi, Alex Molčan si now sponsored by Bidi Badu

  87. PCMTennis says:

    Could also add Oscar Otte to the list. He used to wear Babolat clothes, but is now sponsored by Grubenhelden for his clothes. Still sponsored by Babolat for shoes and racquets though

  88. JJ says:

    Basilashvili wearing EA7 shoes in monte carlo.

  89. JJ says:

    Looks like Molcan is with Bidi Badu and Wilson shoes.
    Also learned recently that Bublik rocks unsponsored shoes.

  90. Tara says:

    Molčan is now sponsored by Bidi Brady according to an Instagram post and I’ve noticed that Garmin has gone back to using head racquets

  91. carrie says:

    The sleeve sponsor of Cerundolo is torneos now

  92. PCMTennis says:

    Might want to add Francisco Cerundolo as well due to his recent results. He wears Joma clothes and shoes and uses Head racquets.

  93. Al says:

    Jack Sock just posted lululemon sponsorship on his insta

  94. PCMTennis says:

    Sandgren now using Dunlop Srixon racquets, Kokkinakis’ Yonex racquets are no longer blacked out.

  95. MarcosE says:

    Kokkinakis using Lululemon in an instragram post

  96. Michel Breton says:

    What model of New Balance shoes (colorful/purple) is Tommy Paul wearing now against Rafael Nadal in the Mexican Open? super nice model

  97. Carl says:

    Garin playing with a Yonex.

  98. JJ says:

    Can also add Jiri Lehecka, Le Coq Sportif, Wilson shoes and racquet

  99. JJ says:

    Brooksby in Wilson shoes and advertising Motorola.

  100. Charlie P says:

    Sock wearing Lululemon clothes and Babolat shoes

  101. JJ says:

    Jarry also in all asics.

  102. JJ says:

    Baez in yonex shoes and sandgren in unsponsored gear.

  103. Jan Jonko says:

    Botic van de zandschulp and Tallon Griekspoor changed sponsors yesterday : Maharadja

  104. JJ says:

    Botic VDZ signed with Indian Maharadja today via his instagram.

  105. Sidd says:

    Sousa wearing Adidas thru Pune Open

  106. JJ says:

    Humbert playing in lacoste shoes.

  107. flajsch says:

    Hi, so Jozef Kovalik 1 hour ago announced sponsorship with mizuno on instagram, clothes and shoes.

  108. Adrien says:

    Rafael Nadal with Kia cars

  109. JJ says:

    pretty sure mannarino is now sponsored by lululemon, they do a great job of hiding their logo.

    • Score and Change says:

      Yes, he seems to wear Lululemon. Whether it is an official sponsorship is not clear. Lajovic was also wearing the brand at the AO.
      Many thanks.

  110. JJ says:

    Jack Sock in babolat shoes on his instagram story.

  111. flajsch says:

    Hi, Jozef Kovalik is from June 2021 sponsored by Neptune

    • Score and Change says:

      The last couple of months he has played his matches wearing Hydrogen.

      • flajsch says:

        Yes, sorry, he was playing few tournaments at summer in Neptune, but in autumn he played in old Hydrogen collections, so he probably isn’t sponsored right now.

        • flajsch says:

          And also Alex Molčan isn’t sponsored too, the Nike outfits he wears were released almost two years ago

          • Score and Change says:

            Thank you for pointing this out. We have added an * to those who are likely not officially sponsored.

  112. PSteve says:

    Feliciano Lopez is now wearing Joma clothing and shoes.

  113. JJ says:

    Moutet in asics clothes now.

  114. Pog says:

    Aslan Karatsev has officially signed with Hydrogen, not Bosco.

  115. JJ says:

    Bublik wearing adidas shoes instead of nike, still with yoxoi for clothing.

  116. PCMTennis says:

    Might want to add Maxime Cressy to the list. Adidas clothing, I believe New Balance shoes and a Babolat racquet.

    Also I think Kokkinakis switched to Yonex fit his racquet, it’s just a blacked out variant.

  117. John says:

    Gaston signed with adidas, and Moutet in asics shoes.

  118. JJ says:

    Moutet in Asics Solutions.

  119. Marcus Sebastian says:

    Kokkinakis is in a brand known as Safety Culture.

  120. fabrizio borsella says:

    does anyone know if zverev will leave adidas?

  121. PCMTennis says:

    Duckworth I believe wears Australia clothing, he switched from Athletic last year at some point.

  122. JJ says:

    Popyrin also in fila clothes, not sure about the shoes.

  123. JJ says:

    humbert in lacoste, pretty sure gaston is too.

  124. Lordi says:

    Fucsovics moved to hydrogen

  125. fabrizio borsella says:

    monfils leaves asics and wilson and goes to artengo for shoes, racket and clothing

  126. fabrizio borsella says:

    garin leaves the adidas and goes to armani emporio7

  127. fabrizio borsella says:

    berrettini leaves the lot and goes to hugo boss

  128. fabrizio68 says:

    berrettini passa alla boss

  129. Max says:

    Berrettini first tennis player ever with Hugo Boss today!

  130. Garin is wearing EA7 apparel and Nike shoes in the ATPCup event at Sydney.

  131. Mikhail says:

    Confirmed. Karatsev is with Bosco now. It’s in his and their official Instagram accounts.

  132. Phil MC Pilard says:

    Benoit Paire has a new sponsor with high street clothing retailer Célio! Come on BenP!

  133. Carl says:

    Brooksby sponsored by UomoSport. Wears Nike shoes and plays with a Wilson racket, but unclear if he has deals with them.

  134. Pam says:

    What clothing does Jensen Brooksby wear?

  135. Andres says:

    Fratangelo and Ebden with Neptune now


    Medvedev is playing with Lacoste shoes

  137. Chrisp says:

    Basilashvili is with Armani

  138. Sean says:

    Federico Coria is now with Hydrogen

  139. Tara says:

    Rublev is now signed up with Head

  140. SB says:

    Are we sure Basil is sponsored by anybody? Genuinely confused as to his outfits on court, even after winning Doha.

    I can see the Nike shoes and Head racquet, but seems as if he’s quite lonely out there given his 2020.

    • Score and Change says:

      Like you say, it is not clear. It seems he has no sponsor for now, so we have changed it. Thank you.

  141. Octavio says:

    Well, now we saw Federer switching shoes to On

  142. Al says:

    Sandgren is now with Yoroi

  143. Lordi says:

    FAA moved to adidas

  144. Abdalla Genedy says:

    Dear Sir,

    I am Abdullah Genedy, 17 years old an Egyptian tennis player, ranked 3 in Egypt and ranked 492 ITF on the beginning of January 2021.
    Also I am an IB student its my last year, working hard to have the best opportunity on getting a scholarship in a good business college, yet reaching my dream to be one of the top 10 ATP players.
    My rank could have been better this last year 2020, but due to the covid19 crisis worldwide, and cancelling most of the international tournaments and also studying for my last year IB, this was the main reasons.
    My coming plane is to work hard on my tennis career and putting all my efforts to make my dream come true, and this will be working parallel with my school and college work.
    I am hoping that your esteemed company can support me through sponsorship and if you need any more data I can directly provide it.
    Thank you
    Abdullah Genedy

    • Score and Change says:

      Dear Abdullah,
      Thank you for reaching out and sharing your story. We do not sponsor athletes ourselves, so we cannot help you with that. However, we want to wish you all the best with your career!

  145. Great piece we have sine updates for you

  146. Syed Faiq yazdani says:

    I never knew which player is using which racquet and what are they wearing great to have

  147. Guillaume says:

    Very great website thank you very much this is very interesting. Just suggesting an idea it would be interresting to have an article or a section were we can see secondary sponsor of some player on the side of the shirt. (I.E Thiem-Redbull,Schwartzman-Disney+,Zverev EAsport.But again good job

  148. shay says:

    recently i noticed an ATP player switched to Diadora but can’t remember who? anybody know?

  149. Roos says:

    Hi, ik mis Altmaier?

  150. Steve says:

    Great resource this!
    What about Pablo Andújar Alba?
    Spainsh, Prince racquet (O3 same as Granoles I believe?) Lacoste clothing, shoes?
    Was ranked highest at 32.

  151. AJ says:

    I reckon Kevin Anderson was wearing Dunlop clothing in the ATP cup match vs Djokovic, not sure about his shoes though.

  152. Gst says:

    I watched the ATP cup today and noticed that Basilashvili and Anderson were both wearing Dunlop. Can you check it out please?

  153. Greg says:

    Adrian Mannarino is wearing Hydrogen in Tokyo. Still wearing Nike shoes

  154. Liam says:

    Nikoloz Basilashvili with Hydrogen clothing, Nike shoes and Head for rackets should be added.

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